My Story
Rene Sprattling and Carmen Lang of Hola! Tortilla
What Carmen Missed Most Was Tortillas.
Missing foods is a reality shared by anyone who lives far from where they grew up, in
Carmen’s case, Mexico City. For her it was hard to believe that there were no fresh tortillas available, and that the only options were prepacked, full of additives that give an odd smell and take away the flavor.
Her recollection of going to the Tortilleria every other day, called out vividly what was missing in her own adopted hometown of Nevada City. A Tortilleria! The tortillas she wanted use fresh, organic ingredients with zero preservatives.
As an Art Professor in Mexico and Northern California, Carmen’s passion lies in making things full of substance. Learning how to make tortillas, the old-fashioned way, was not a far leap from her painting or ceramic talents. Carmen became a student again and now her art is put into production in order to give as many people as possible a nutritious and delicious, healthy choice.
Knowing what a huge difference it would make to food enthusiasts to have a staple food that is full of flavor, she created HOLA! Tortilla, and now these unique tortillas are available at schools, selected grocery stores, and local eateries.